maya tutorial house modelling pt.1

this is part one I hope u like and w8 for part 2 subscribe plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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8 Responses to maya tutorial house modelling pt.1

  1. dragon95os says:

    @elborio ok then now I feel better a bit
    PS: this tut means nothing to me more than history
    its too old and I was very begginner
    but now I am different

  2. elborio says:

    @dragon95os fact that you made a tutorial and posted it so that its 720p makes up ^^:P

  3. dragon95os says:

    about my accent Im am Egyptian/Arabian
    I dont know much English but Im just trying to get better

  4. dragon95os says:

    guys guys dont be so harsh u hurt my feelings
    this is my oldest tutorials it sucks of course
    but july I’ll remake it then u can judge me ok?????
    actually I wnted to delete this vid but I said I’ll keep it for the memory

  5. aaronh678 says:

    @TacticallyUndead yh i agree with you on the ‘cant call this a tutorial’ part but with the ‘cant understand anything’ it may be due to the fact he aint english/american but i understand him fine.

  6. TacticallyUndead says:

    @aaronh678 No its not. You cant understand anything he is syaying and he isnt teaching anything. You cant call this a tutorial. He shoudl rename to Maya House (NOT TUTORIAL)

  7. aaronh678 says:

    @TacticallyUndead harsh

  8. TacticallyUndead says:

    You suck at teaching. Just stop and never make another video.